The Sopranos – Shocking Behind-The-Scenes Facts!

The Sopranos – Shocking Behind-The-Scenes Facts!

The Sopranos – Shocking Behind-The-Scenes Facts!

Did you know that the character Ginny Sack, who was Johnny Sack's wife, was once a very slim professional ballet dancer? Her battle with weight gain began after having children. Despite this, Johnny Sack's love for her seems unwavering and genuine. He appreciates her just the way she is, describing her as "Rubenesque." Unfortunately, Ginny's fuller figure often becomes the butt of jokes among the Soprano crime family, leading to a significant conflict between Johnny and Ralph Cifaretto. The actress who played Ginny Sack landed the role after being turned away from a New Jersey open casting call that had been canceled due to 15,000-plus people showing up. She sent in her headshot by mail and ended up getting her very memorable part! To look heavier for the role, she wore a fat suit throughout her time on the show.

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